Constipation is a common complaint seen in our canine companions. Today, our Maury County vets discuss some of the causes, signs, and treatment options for constipation in dogs.
My Dog is Constipated
When your dog is constipated it means they are unable to pass a normal stool regularly. Constipation in dogs is a common health issue that will usually resolve on its own, however, if your dog has ingested something that might be causing an internal blockage, it is important they get emergency veterinary care right away.
Some dogs experience chronic constipation and may need additional support from your vet to get their bowels back in shape.
When left untreated constipation can be a painful issue for your pup and could lead to more serious issues including lethargy, a loss of appetite, vomiting, and weight loss.
Causes of Constipation in Dogs
There are many reasons why your pooch might become constipated. Some of the most common reasons for constipation in dogs include:
- Dehydration
- Ingested items
- Insufficient fiber in the diet
- Abscessed or blocked anal sacks
- Pain caused when trying to pass a bowel movement
- Enlarged prostate
- Insufficient daily exercise
- Matted hair around the anus
- Tumors or masses blocking the anus
- Ingested hair from excessive self-grooming
Signs Dog Constipation
If your dog has not had a bowel movement in two or more days there is a good chance they are experiencing constipation. Other common dog constipation symptoms include straining or discomfort while trying to defecate, hard or dry stools, and blood or mucus in the stool.
What to Give Your Dog for Constipation
If you're wondering what to do if your dog is constipated, you're not alone. Most of the time constipation in dogs can be treated quite easily at home, but it is always best to speak with your vet before attempting any home treatments. Common home remedies to help a constipated dog are:
- Canned Pumpkin
- Extra Water
- Bran
- Exercise
- Canned Dog Food to Increase Moisture
If your pup's discomfort and constipation don't resolve themselves in a day or two, are a reoccurring issue, or you know your dog has ingested a foreign object, make an appointment with your vet right away.
Your vet will examine your dog and may recommend X-rays if a foreign object is the suspected cause.
Once your vet has determined the cause of constipation, they will be able to recommend the best treatment option to help your pup.
Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.